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China Three Gorges Corporation Volver

[Basic Information]

To construct the Three Gorges Project and develop the Yangtze River, the China Three Gorges Project Corporation was founded on September 27, 2009, with the approval of the State Council. On September 27, 2009, it was renamed the China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG). By the end of 2016, the assets of the corporation had reached RMB 660 billion.

China Three Gorges Corporation has been mandated by the PRC Government to develop four major Jinsha River hydropower projects: the Xiluodu Project, the Xiangjiaba Project, the Baihetan Project and the Wudongde Project.


By the end of 2016, CTG's consolidated installed capacity had reached approximately 70,000 MW, and the total installed capacity, including capacities that were commissioned, under construction, and on a minority-equity basis, had reached 118 GW. Specifically, renewable clean energy accounts for 97% of the total mix, while consolidated hydropower capacity represents 16% of the total installed capacity of hydro in China.

CTG's overseas investment and contracting business has expanded to over 40 countries and regions in Europe, America, Africa and Southeast Asia, with a total installed capacity of over 15 GW. Overseas business has offered a major impetus for the sustainable growth of CTG.